how did omni man become the emperor of viltrum

How Did Omni-Man Become The Emperor Of Viltrum

Omni-Man Becomes The RULER of The Viltrumite Empire | Invincible #invincible #comics #shorts

The Invincible S1E8: Viltrum true story explained | History of Viltrum | Omni-man's origin

True Power of Emperor Invincible is INSANE #shorts #invincible

The Strongest Viltrumite in the Universe | Invincible #invincible #comics #shorts

The ENTIRE Life of Omni-Man Explained: The NEXT Viltrumite Emperor & TRAGIC Ending | INVINCIBLE

Emperor Invincible is OVERPOWERED!

The Strongest Viltrumite To Ever Exist | Invincible Season 2 Episode 5 Omni Man's Dad Explained

Emperor Nolan SPARES Former Grand Regent Thragg’s Life | Invincible #invincible #comics #shorts

Thragg SCOLDS The Viltrumites For Being Human | Invincible #invincible #comics #shorts

Omni-Man RETURNS To Earth After The Viltrumite War | Invincible #invincible #comics #shorts

Thaedus KILLS The Former Viltrumite Emperor Argall | Invincible #invincible #comics #shorts

What Happens To A Planet After Viltrumites Take Over?

Omni Man’s BIGGEST Mistake Leading To His Own Demise | Invincible #invincible #comics #shorts

How Strong is Prime Invincible? 🤔 #shorts #invincible #comics

Why Don't Viltrumite’s Mate With Each Other?

How Strong is Omni-Man Compared to Other Viltrumites?

Omni-Man (Nolan Grayson) Comic History Explained | Invincible

Mark & Omni Man Destroy Planet Viltrum | Invincible Season 4 Viltrumite War Explained #invincible

Omni Man Becomes KING of the Viltrumites | Invincible Season 3's Future Thragg vs Omni Man EXPLAINED

Mark Grayson Becomes Emperor of the Universe | Invincible Season 3's Future EXPLAINED

The 5 most powerful viltrumites according to CBR

Omni-Man Gives Mark A Clue On How To Fight Viltrumites | Invincible S2

Entire History Of Viltrumite Empire - Their Inception, Their Culture & Lore Beyond Invincible Comics